removed 'Are you sure' message when closing extension Quote Loader - corrected handling of blank history line in Yahoo HD.File Display - changed icons used on tree display to overcome issues introduced in MD build 3090.Quote Loader - added capability to have duplicate tickers.Correct loading of history prices when pseudo currency used Quote Loader - allow updating of High and Low prices independent of Volumes.

added feature to open price history screen with double click of ticker Quote Loader - corrected bug with entering currency price manually when num dec places set to 8.Report Writer - changed max field length to 1024.Quote Loader - changed the timeouts to accommodate large number of securities.Quote Loader - changed date handling on ft.com quotes due to changes in Java 17.Extensions for Moneydance developed by Mike Bray (see Extensions).Information about the Moneydance Personal Finance package (see Moneydance).The Wiki/site is split into a number of different areas: Once you have opened a file in 2019 it is inadvisable to open it in 2017. The file structure of 2019 is the same as 2017, however, there have been some changes in the way currency and security prices are stored. If you are upgrading on Windows you might want to read this. Moneydance™ is a trade mark of The Infinite Kind TIK The operation of the current build is not dissimilar to 2015/7, however there are a number of changes which not only improve the user interface but also the installation on Windows and interoperability via python. For previous versions please refer to the Wiki for Moneydance 2015. Moneydance is a popular finance package that is constantly being improved.

This Wiki has been created to pass on information, code and opinions. View History Welcome to the Wiki of Mike Bray